Saturday, 22 December 2018

Here's how I fixed the Reception Check-In at a Martial Arts School in the Sutherland Shire

You can read about this Android App that I wrote for the Caringbah based school on this link:

And here is a video of me explaining it:

Also, as mentioned previously, this was all coded in Microsoft SQL Server and Visual Basic ... in less than an afternoon (it attached to the existing SQL gym database)

Merry Christmas ... I'm aiming to write more in the New Year.

Friday, 9 November 2018

Can a plumbing business use a mobile App?

To document some of the work we're doing in the App Space, we going to do some case studies based around the projects.

Here is the case study for an iPhone & Android App we just did for a plumbing business in the Sutherland Shire: 

Lisa & I look forward to meeting some other trade based businesses (Carpenters, Electricians etc ...) and hope we can help them too! 

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Follow-up To Previous Post - I forbid you from showing me an outer join!

At the risk of repeating myself, and again quoting from Quora … I came across this today:

It still baffles me that even some senior, hands-on and so called technical people in IT, still do not know how to write efficient SQL.

Here is the full quote: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

What are the pros and cons of having complex SQL queries vs. simple SQL queries, but using other programming languages to handle the complexity? Should I write a complex SQL query to handle everything?
Bill Karwin, author of "SQL Antipatterns: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Database Programming" 

I saw a coworker, a senior Java programmer (with a PhD), struggling to get some code written. He was behind on his deadline. I asked him what he was trying to do and if I could help.
He said he needed data from two tables. He needed all data from the first table and only matching data from the second table. Where there was no matching data, he still wanted the data from the first table, but with nulls for the objects where there was no match in the second table.
“What’s the problem? That’s an outer join in SQL,” I replied.
He said he didn’t know how to use an outer join, so he had spent many hours trying to code the task from scratch using Java. He was fetching all the data from both tables, matching it up, and discarding data from the second dataset that didn’t match. He was trying to make the matching more efficient by implementing some sophisticated sorting algorithm and a B-tree data structure.
“No, really, the database can do that easily, it’ll run faster, require less code, and you’ll only fetch the results of the match. I’ll show you how,” I offered.
His face grew dark, and he literally said to me, “I forbid you from showing me an outer join!
He had invested so much in implementing his data structure that he couldn’t bear to admit he had wasted his time. He would rather finish his pages of Java code, and never know how to do the same task in one line of SQL.
Don’t be that guy. Use the right tool for the job.

Monday, 15 October 2018

Don't put business logic in the presentation layer!

I'm currently working on a short-term contract in Sydney ... and I've already had several run-ins with the IT Manager. Essentially, it can be summarised by the answer below. 

The problem is, that my client wants to do calculations on the data at the presentation layer, in this specific case, in Qlik! 

Now don't get me wrong, Qlik is a great tool, with wonderful looking charts. But as a place to do complex joining of all the data, not right.  What happens when we want to display the same data on something else? Say, for example, a native App? 

The data, and the calcs, need to be copied somewhere else. Currently all the data is being copied into Qlik and then the joins, IF/ELSE statements, date calculations etc .... are all in Qlik. 

As per the answer in the link article below, there is no documentation, and no one else to support it. 

I've suggested building a proper data warehouse using Microsoft SQL Server. And then linking Qlik to the data in the warehouse, as it is very good at doing. But unfortunately, it's not my call.

I think it's mad. But .... the customer is always right, so I'm doing the best I can. 

What do you think? Before you answer ... be sure to read what Andrew wrote below: 

Read Andrew Weishan's answer to Why is SQL in such high demand when I can use Excel and do half of the work, and never have to enter code again? I can literally write a macro and have a button. on Quora

Friday, 7 September 2018

Visual Basic ... I predict a comeback!

I was recently at a fund-raiser for my son's school, and after a few bottles of wine, one of the other dad's struck up a conversation with me. Turns out he is also a programmer, and one of the all-too-common MVC full stack guys who writes in C#, Java, Angular etc ...

When I told him I was a SQL MCSE he was genuinely impressed and asked me interesting questions on SQL. I then mentioned that I am loving my hobby of writing Apps using Basic.

At the mere mention of the words "Visual Basic" ... he nearly fell off his chair!

I know this type ... I used to work with one at a former job ... He HATED Basic too. He is what I call a "code snob". Even though Microsoft Visual Basic .Net compiles to the same machine code as C#, there is still this stigma surrounding the language. Maybe they shouldn't have used the acronym "basic" ... ?

Anyway, as a happy co-incidence I stumbled upon this blog on Code Project. So to save me typing it all out, I'm just going to paste the link here ... If you're a hater of anything Basic ... please read this before calling me a beginner! 😄

And if you're looking for a really easy way to write apps for BOTH Android and iOS without owning a Mac ... try this:

Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Live your life as though everything you do is being recorded ... because it probably is!

With so much #data out there on us, there is now a profession of "data cleaners"! 

To paraphase Gary Vaynerchuk - "live your life as though everything you do is being recorded ... because it probably is"

Saturday, 4 August 2018

Mobile Apps New Website Launched --


Just an addition to the previous post entitled "iOS and Android App Development!" ... we've been busy working on our new business and it's going better than we expected.

We've just launched our new website, with more information on it. To see it, please go to:

We've decided that for the next 12 months we're going to focus 100% on delivering high quality Data driven and database applications for both iOS and Android ... and only with businesses in the Sutherland Shire. This will mean we can develop good relationships with our business partners, and exceed their expectations.

Please spread the word ...

Rodney & Lisa!

Thursday, 15 February 2018

iOS and Android App Development!


It's been a while since I've posted on this blog, but there is a reason for it (all be it a very poor one).

As if I needed anything else to do, I've been writing apps in my spare time, and am proud to say that I am getting pretty good at it.

So good in fact, that I've now released my first commercial app for both iOS and Android. It's an app which ties in to my popular Gym & Martial Arts Software package.

I'm now keen to do more development work and have put up this page on the company website. Please feel free to contact me if you have a million dollar idea!  😄